The PRODUCTS are shipped to the delivery address(es) that the CUSTOMER will have indicated during the ordering process.

Shipping time

The time required to prepare an order and to issue the invoice, before the shipment of the PRODUCTS in stock, is 1 to 3 business days.An e-mail message will be automatically sent to the CLIENT when the PRODUCTS are shipped, provided that the e-mail address in the registration form is correct.

Delivery time & costs

During the ordering process, the SELLER indicates to the CUSTOMER the possible delivery times and shipping options for the PRODUCTS purchased.The shipping costs are calculated according to the delivery method. The amount of these costs will be due by the CLIENT in addition to the price of the PRODUCTS purchased.

Details of delivery times and costs are detailed on the SITE.

Calculation of taxes and customs duties:

SUN VIBES SUP is not responsible for taxes and customs duties.


The package will be delivered to the CUSTOMER within 1 to 3 business days for all Quebec territories. Except for carrier-related exceptions.

Problems of DELIVERY

The SELLER is responsible until the PRODUCT is delivered to the CLIENT. It is reminded that the CLIENT has a period of three (3) days to notify SUNVIBES SUP of any damage or partial loss noted during delivery.